2.9.16 | 10/01/2025 | Tidied order detail UX |
2.9.14 | 11/12/2024 | Fixed the EDX calculation |
2.9.13 | 20/11/2024 | Updated, secure API key on Import logs; optimized Log table schema |
2.9.10 | 19/09/2024 | Updated snap process logic. |
| | Updated security logic in config. |
2.9.9 | 10/09/2024 | Updated catalog UI. |
2.9.5 | 04/06/2024 | Fixed occasional issue with store id mismatches. |
2.9.4 | 29/05/2024 | Updated auto-cleaning of qty log table; removed redundant table |
| | Updated iReorder logic for simplicity |
2.9.1 | 16/04/2024 | Updated version for Magento 2.4.7 & PHP 8.3 |
2.8.37 | 11/03/2024 | Fixed update price on Products page |
2.8.36 | 15/02/2024 | Updated stock data calculation, refactored code for speed |
2.8.35 | 12/01/2024 | Fixed minor issue with implicit conversion from float |
2.8.33 | 22/11/2023 | Updated logic to show warning if no categories are enabled & visible |
2.8.32 | 17/09/2023 | Fixed an occasional display error |
2.8.31 | 25/08/2023 | Fixed occasional errors when generating low-stock reports |
| | Updated EDT ui |
| | Updated EDT formula explainer UX |
| | Updated accuracy UI warning |
| | Updated calc of iReorder data |
| | Fixed Product grid displays |
| | Fixed issue when updating iVelocity data, fixed SQL query |
| | Added hint to iVelocity, EDX and EDT popup |
| | Added hint to iReorder popup, refactoring of code for speed |
| | Updated calculation iVelocity |
| | Fixed bugs when saving the date in collecting data for calculating Ivelocity |
| | Updated license check for the EDT, lead time, and buffer period columns |
| | Updated calculation for the EDT column |
| | Removed unnecessary color scheme |
| | Updated cron config for the EDT data |
| | Added a popup with the formula for the EDT column, fixed minor bugs |
| | Updated calculation for the EDT column, refactoring of code for clarity |
| | Updated, refactoring of code for clarity |
| | Fixed a minor issue when generating html content |
| | Updated the product grid page, added new columns |
| | Updated calculation for the EDX column |
| | Updated labels |
| | Updated collecting products data per month, fixed bugs |
| | Updated collecting products data per day, improved SQL query |
| | Added new functionality Estimated Days to Trigger |
| | Updated db schema for clarity |
| | Updated a patch to collect historical data for the Ivelocity field |
| | Removed debug code |
| | Updated collecting products data per day |
| | Fixed issue when collecting products data per day |
| | Added collect products data per month for the Ivelocity field |
| | Updated and fixed bugs when collecting products data per day |
| | Added collect products data per day for the Ivelocity field |
2.8.30 | 13/07/2023 | Fixed a minor issue for the EDX column |
| | Fixed bugs in the rendering process of the product grid |
| | Fixed minor syntax errors |
| | Updated rendering of Ireorder column on the product grid page |
| | Fixed minor bugs |
| | Updated rendering of Reorder column |
| | Updated rendering of Ivelocity column on the product grid page |
| | Fixed issue when showing a tooltip for the category column |
| | Updated rendering of EDX column on the product grid page |
2.8.29 | 06/07/2023 | Updated showing a tooltip for the category column on the product grid page |
2.8.28 | 06/07/2023 | Updated rendering of category column on the product grid page |
| | Updated license check |
2.8.27 | 03/07/2023 | Updated EDX calculations |
2.8.26 | 26/06/2023 | Updated iReorder calculations |
| | Updated formula pop |
| | Adjusting formula pops |
| | simplified formula pops |
| | Updated formula pop UI |
| | Updated iReorder explainer UI |
2.8.25 | 26/06/2023 | Updated logic for triggerQty vs MOQ/MXOQ |
| | Updating formula pop UI |
2.8.24 | 21/06/2023 | Fixed minor issue when calculating IReorder |
| | Updated formula pops for UI |
| | Updated logic for clarity |
| | Refactoring of code for speed and consistency |
| | Tidied formula pops |
| | Added license check for Snap Process button |
2.8.23 | 20/06/2023 | Fixed minor issue when calculating EDX |
2.8.22 | 20/06/2023 | Updated Snap Process button, fixed bugs with error log |
2.8.21 | 15/06/2023 | Fixed minor bug |
| | Updated trigger qty as min qty formula pop |
| | Combining formulas for Reorder and iReorder calculations |
| | Updated iReorder formula pop to be more fluid |
| | Simplified formula pops |
| | Fixed EDX coloring |
| | Updated formula pop for Stock Qty calculations with trigger qty mins |
| | Updated EDX calculations based on qty type |
| | Updated snap process to re-zero at max product count |
| | Updated formula pop labels |
| | Updated ireorder logic |
| | updated formula ui |
| | Updated formulapop UI |
| | Adding Trigger Qty option for iReorder to formula pop |
| | Adding option for Trigger Qty to count as Min Qty for iReorder |
| | Updated info slider |
| | Updated config hints for report filters |
| | UI update |
| | Updated config UI |
2.8.20 | 13/06/2023 | Updated default csv column titles for simplicity |
| | Updated Edx, iVelocity column html code |
| | Adjusted iReorder where MXOQ hasn’t been set |
| | Updated logic for unset config values for MXOQ |
| | Tweaked formulae |
| | Updated report email UI |
| | Updated Inventory report sending function |
| | Minor update categories UI |
| | Updated category popup UI |
| | Handled spliting Pdf report file; Tweaked Csv header title & fields |
| | Updated report test UI |
| | Added better report filenames for clarity |
| | Updated products grid titlebar |
2.8.19 | 13/06/2023 | Implemented re-Snap-process; Fixed Product grid columns header glitch on scroll |
| | Updated grid design for filters |
2.8.18 | 12/06/2023 | Fixed Pdf email attachment; Corrected CSV & PDF columns |
| | Updated moq/mxoq/trigger failover logic |
2.8.17 | 12/06/2023 | Updated design for store credit cards |
| | Updated design to resolve horiz scroll boxing |
| | Updated grid display |
| | Updated negative stock qty warning |
| | Updated grid design |
| | Restrict columns if license is invalid |
| | Added a few tables for iVelocity calculation |
| | Minor edits for consistency |
| | Fixed sending low stock email, corrected csv file columns |
| | Re-arranged formula pops for clarity |
| | Updated calculate iReorder for the season with trends |
| | Updated iReorder calculation |
| | Updated default iReorder Qty field to mach Reorder Qty field |
| | Updated internal code for consistency |
| | Fixed formula explainer if reorder qty = 0 |
| | Updated EHQ calculation |
| | Updated getting EHQ |
| | Removed superfluous sort |
| | Updated words again for clarity |
| | Name edits for clarity |
| | Typo |
| | Updated language for clarity |
| | Updated names for conistency |
| | Renamed for consistency |
| | Edits for consistent naaming |
| | Updated error logging |
| | Refactored for some clarity |
| | Added error logging |
| | Added logging for some key iReorder parts |
| | Added logging of data update results |
| | Fixed minor bug |
| | Updated column name defaults for clarity |
| | Updated UI |
| | Added check for EHQ period |
| | Updated for UI clarity |
| | Added helpful hints to formula explainers |
2.8.15 | 06/06/2023 | Updated iReorder calculation |
| | Combined columns stack |
| | Updated Reorder calculation |
| | Updated config for clarity with restock models |
| | Updated config for clarity |
| | Updated `ireorder`, `reorder` columns |
| | Fixed frontend place order error if product salable qty not registered |
| | Fixed minor bug |
| | Updated default column widths |
| | Updated default column widths for pro data |
| | Adding moq/mxoq/trigger columns to ShipEasy column config |
| | Fixed bugs when updating fields in one click: MOQ, MXOQ, Trigger Qty |
| | Updated date format |
| | Updated cron processes |
| | Adding the moq/mxoq/trigger cols |
| | Initial feature to make moq, mxoq, trigger qty 1-click updatable |
| | Refactoring of code for speed |
| | Fixed an issue with sorting on the product grid page |
| | Refactored snap process section |
| | Added filter for snap process feature to not process product types that aren’t relevant |
| | Added UI to simplify reorder, ireorder, edx, ivelocity for non-relevant products |
| | Fixed small bug |
| | Updated snap process logic for moq/mxoq/trigger |
| | Added fallback to default value if config ones aren’t set |
| | Simplified popup preparation |
| | Fixed small issue with Reorder calculation |
| | Updated Snap Process button, added calculation of Reorder qty |
| | Updated EOL column to being an icon vs text |
| | Added iReorder logic for rebasing negative Stock Qty |
| | Added logic for rebasing negative stock qty to Reorder |
| | Adjusted moq logic for negative stock |
| | Updated process to get correct moq, mxoq, trigger qty in formula pops |
| | Fixed moq, mxoq, trigger qty logic |
| | Consolidated for speed |
| | Updated logic |
| | Fixed EOL logic for formulas |
| | Updated Snap Process button |
| | Updating formula calc |
| | Updating formula parsers |
| | Updated formula explainer UI |
| | Fixed small bugs with Reorder calculation |
| | Updated config UI for clarity |
| | Fixed minor bugs when showing EOL |
| | Updated config labels for clarity |
| | Updated config labels |
| | Updated Config for clarity |
| | Tidied code for easier readability |
| | Updated logic for Reorder to show correct ‘force product-level overide’ |
| | Fixed minor bugs, refactoring of code for speed |
| | Tidied Reorder calculations |
| | Updated formula logic for Reorder |
| | Updated for clarity |
| | Clarified some config UI |
| | Refactored Reorder calculations for clarity |
| | Refactored ireorder for more clarity |
| | Refactored iReorder for clarity |
| | Refactored for clarity |
| | Fixed minor bugs when viewing the product grid |
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2.8.14 | 23/05/2023 | Updated some number checks for php8.2 compatibility |
| | Fixed a small issue when generating the low-stock report |
2.8.13 | 16/05/2023 | Updated calculation of iVelocity, fixed issue with calculation of days_live |
| | Updated config for clarity with auto-exports |
2.8.12 | 11/05/2023 | Removed debugging code |
| | Updated report of changes of inventory by admin when using MSI |
2.8.11 | 10/05/2023 | Updated low stock inventory report when using MSI |
| | Updated calculation EDX for advanced inventory, pt1 |
2.8.10 | 03/05/2023 | Updated UI for consistency |
| | Updated config labels for clarity |
2.8.8 | 03/05/2023 | Fixed small issue when low stock sending emails, removed deprecated code |
2.8.7 | 01/05/2023 | Updated styles for Multi-price column |
| | Added the ability to edit the price in the Multi-price column |
| | Added Multi-store price column |
2.8.6 | 21/04/2023 | Fixed license check for EDX column |
2.8.5 | 20/04/2023 | Fixed small issue with EDX column |
2.8.4 | 17/04/2023 | Fixed php8.2 deprecated funcionality |
2.8.3 | 04/04/2023 | Added show of the Qty Refunded column |
2.8.1 | 24/03/2023 | Magento 2.4.6 & PHP 8.2 compatibility added. |
2.7.14 | 13/03/2023 | Updated csv scan page UI for consistency |
2.7.13 | 21/02/2023 | Updated product scanning page UI for consistency |
2.7.12 | 02/10/2023 | Updated scan page design |
| | Added banner titles for CSV page |
2.7.11 | 02/08/2023 | Updated scanning UI for consistency |
| | Updated scanning page UI to match ShipEasy |
2.7.8 | 01/10/2023 | Changed Pdf generation library; Compatible install via composer pt2 |
| | Changed Pdf generation library; Compatible install via composer |
| | Fixed php8 deprecated function params data type |
2.7.4 | 04/10/2022 | Fixed issue editing price and cost on the product grid |
2.7.2 | 04/10/2022 | Updated showing cost value |
2.7.1 | 04/10/2022 | New release |
2.6.30 | 23/08/2022 | Updated compatibility with Magento 2.4.5 |
| 19/08/2022 | Added Moogento styling to log page |
| 11/08/2022 | Updated import csv design |
| 09/08/2022 | Corrected the processed products count for the import log |
| 04/08/2022 | Added process crosssell skus column |
| | Updated to show an admin message if the API connection has an error |
| 02/08/2022 | Added functionality to import cross-sell skus via csv; pt 1 |
| 01/08/2022 | Corrected the auto-import log status |
| | Updated out stock product |
| 28/07/2022 | Improved the stock qty update process to skip where qtys match |
| 25/07/2022 | Updated log table schema |
| 17/06/2022 | Fixed deprecated formula |
| 13/06/2022 | Fixed Product type filter to display all types |
| 20/05/2022 | Fixed deprecated function params |
| 19/05/2022 | Fixed deprecated function params |
| 05/05/2022 | hotfix function getUser |
2.6.23 | 20/04/2022 | Updated compatibility with Magento 2.4.4 and PHP 8.1 |
| 06/04/2022 | Fixed header scan page |
| 05/04/2022 | Fixed di compile error |
| 24/03/2022 | Add navigation for scan page |
| 17/03/2022 | Fix responsive mobile |
| | mobile style |
| 14/03/2022 | Made csv exports part of Growth |
| 19/01/2022 | Enhanced performance for log clean job |
| 18/01/2022 | Added button clear log |
| | optimize delete query |
| 12/01/2022 | Removed notifications on scan page for clarity |
2.6.17 | 14/03/2022 | Updated csv exports logic |
2.6.12 | 29/10/2021 | Fixed issue exporting CSV and PDF file that missed some product name data |
2.6.5 | 15/09/2021 | Fixed issue that auto-set quantity to zero when API request failed |
2.6.4 | 08/06/2021 | Updated M2.4.3 compatibility |
2.5.2 | 18/06/2021 | Updated style and added new attribute options |
2.1.73 | 18/05/2021 | Updated stock status for grid Catalog/Product |
2.1.72 | 04/10/2021 | Fixed some cron issues |
2.1.70 | 19/03/2021 | Updated sorting by sku feature |
| | Added product name option to csv/pdf |
| | Fixed some minor issues |
2.1.69 | 16/03/2021 | Updated decimals for costs & prices |
2.1.68 | 15/03/2021 | Fixed csv exports, price format |
2.1.67 | 03/11/2021 | Updated config labels for clarity |
| | Refactored code for speed |
| | Fixed an issue where we’d miss some specific emails |
2.1.66 | 03/09/2021 | Updated scan page design for clarity when scanning products |
| | Minor label edits |
2.1.65 | 18/02/2021 | Updated, changed configuration for specific OOS emails |
2.1.29 | 06/03/2020 | General fixes & improvements |
2.1.27 | 06/03/2020 | Updated occasional loading error |
2.1.26 | 29/05/2020 | Updated flash-cell-on-complete for qty/cost/price |
| | Case fix for price/cost/qty/type cols |
| | Fixed bundle limits for price/cost/qty cols |
| | Edited design for price/cost/qty cols |
| | Updated mass-edit category design |
2.1.25 | 27/05/2020 | Added simpler product type col |
| | Added stock col in upgrade |
| | Added visibility icons; adding Stock Status col; changing previous Status col to Stock |
| | Updated stock-status classes on in-catalog qty change |
| | Updated to show price for bundle |
| | Showing n/a icons in catalog qty/price/cost cols (where applicable) |
| | Updated hide fields in catalog for price/qty/cost for n/a products |
| | Removed specific plan req for edit-in-place cost,qty,price cols |
| | Fixed Catalog search field position |
| | Fixed a disabled icon in Catalog |
2.1.24 | 19/05/2020 | Added a flash effect when cost/price/qty has been updated in Catalog |
| | Updated icons |
| | Updated some columns under StockEasy subheader in dropdown |
2.1.23 | 05/12/2020 | Fixed config page error if auto-email was set to weekdays |
| | Moved status column to under StockEasy group in Catalog Columns dropdown |
| | Added option to remove entries from reservations table during csv import |
| | Fixed an error when entering arithmetic in catalog qty |
| | Fixed csv import to auto-set product status |
| | Added title element to manage-stock/stock-status |
| | Added category columns to column config |
2.1.22 | 05/09/2020 | Updated category tooltip to compress Default Category scetion |
| | Updated category column for popup with external link |
| | Added category name popup info |
| | Fixed columns table saving |
2.1.20 | 05/07/2020 | columns table saving has been fixed |
| | Updated category column to show name in id title; removing some * sql |
| | Added category to catalog column and filter |
| | Updated setup/update script to deal with reinstalls |
| | scan products page has been completed |
| | products scan refactoring and improvements |
| | Updated csv processing css, expanding ShipEasy config to warn plan level blocks |
2.1.19 | 14/04/2020 | Fixed import csv |
| | Updated scan page |
2.1.18 | 04/02/2020 | Investigate and fix cron run and manually editing price/qty/cost in Catalog |
| | Updated import csv page design |
2.1.17 | 28/03/2020 | Updated csv import design |
| | Updated pdf report |
| | Investigate and fix update stock status and stock Items |
2.1.16 | 27/03/2020 | Updated csv import page design |
2.1.15 | 26/03/2020 | Updated scan page design to be more compact |
| | Updated csv import page text |
| | Investigate and fix option page in admin |
| | Updated already defined cons error |
| | Fixes for missing variables |
2.1.13 | 16/03/2020 | minor scan page font edit |
| | Updated css file path for scan page |
2.1.11 | 18/02/2020 | Updated button links |
2.1.10 | 18/02/2020 | Minor label updates |
| | Fixed rename xml file |
| | Updated to normalise db entries as moogento_stockeasy |
| | Updated config styles for add rule button |
| | Updated config styles for delete rows icons |
| | tidying up edx grid |
2.1.8 | 19/01/2020 | Minor config section label edit |
| | Updated catalog report menu label |
2.1.4 | 15/11/2019 | visibility column rendering has been fixed |
2.1.1 | 27/10/2019 | Added sanity check for StockEasy smart reordering cron task |
2.0.57 | 08/03/2019 | Info window style update |
2.0.56 | 08/02/2019 | Minor label edit in popup info box from catalog |
2.0.55 | 08/01/2019 | Updated popup info box and edx cell styles |
2.0.54 | 31/07/2019 | Updated popup product info css in catalog |
2.0.53 | 29/07/2019 | Updated iReorder, iVelocity variables to match usage |
| | Updated install script for speed |
| | Updated popup info box styles |
2.0.52 | 26/07/2019 | Updated install script to check for pre-exisiting core_config entry |
2.0.51 | 18/07/2019 | Fixed cron error for some installs |
2.0.50 | 16/07/2019 | removing ref to shippingRules as its not public yet |
2.0.22 | 05/02/2019 | Fixed export Pdf process for some installs |
| | Fixed import process for some installs |
| | Added detail to error message where relevant |
2.0.9 | 04/08/2019 | Fixed an issue with exporting CSVs |
2.0.6 | 04/01/2019 | Removing ireorder calculation column from catalog, and updating popup box for ireorder and ivelocity |
| | Removing add qty and update qty from massaction menu for simplicity |
2.0.5 | 01/11/2019 | Fixed save product process |
2.0.4 | 12/08/2018 | Grouped column controls |
2.0.3 | 08/07/2018 | Fixed CSV import for some installs |