
Terms Of Service : Maintenance

Maintenance Plans

• All terms are in addition to our standard Terms.

• Purchase of a Maintenance Plan implies implicit agreement of all terms.

• In all plans, the client and our team have defined responsibilities to ensure the smooth running and updating of the Magento platform, with additional services provided based on the selected plan.

• All updates and development are conducted with the specified frequency and within the scope of the respective plan.

• All work not specified below is outside the scope of each plan and will be billed separately when needed.

Budget Maintenance Plan

Under the Budget Maintenance Plan, the Moogento team will apply core Magento & security updates, and the client takes responsibility for more tasks.

Our team will carry out Magento and (non-custom) Moogento module updates, with a maximum frequency of once per quarter, on a staging and a live environment.

The client will manage the tracking, updating, and support for existing 3rd-party modules.

Moogento’s team will work on updates for any custom modules previously developed for the client, when necessary for Magento update compatibility, to a maximum of 8 hours per quarter.

New custom module development, including to resolve 3rd-party module conflicts, as well as resolution of 3rd-party module conflicts via other means (such as liasing with 3rd-party module vendor support), is outside the scope of this plan.

The client’s team will manage and update 3rd-party modules, liaise with the 3rd-party module support for any issues, and check tests pass before our interventions.

Our team will run-through pre-agreed tests on stage & live after the client completes any updates from their end, and again after we have completed any updates at our end.

After a live update is provided, the client has 2 days to verify the update. Any issues inside that window (that are from Magento or security updates, as well as from any custom modules previously created), we’ll cover and extend the test window 2 days until the tests pass. Any issues reported outside that window will be standard billable time.

Budget Plus Maintenance Plan

The Budget Plus Maintenance Plan extends the Budget Plan services, with the Moogento team taking on more workload from the client team.

Our team will carry out Magento and (non-custom) Moogento module updates, with a maximum frequency of once per quarter, on a staging and a live environment.

We will manage the tracking, updating, and support for existing 3rd-party modules. Support for new 3rd-party modules will be provided within reason. The client will provide the latest versions of all 3rd party modules (eg. by paying for each module update or subscription).

New custom module development, including to resolve 3rd-party module conflicts, is outside the scope of this plan.

Moogento’s team will work on updates for any custom modules previously developed for the client, when necessary for Magento update compatibility, to a maximum of 8 hours per quarter.

Our team will run-through pre-agreed tests on stage & live after we have completed any updates.

The client’s team will conduct tests following our updates (to stage & live).

After a live update is provided, the client will confirm within 3 days. Any issues inside that window (that are from Magento or security updates, as well as from any custom modules previously created), we’ll cover and extend the test window 3 days until the tests pass. Any issues reported outside that window will be standard billable time.

Intermediate Maintenance Plan

The Intermediate Maintenance Plan includes all services offered in the Budget Plus Plan, and adds in a block of time for general requests, SEO audits and implementation of recommendations therein, to help boost the site over the mid- to long- term.

Our team will carry out Magento and (non-custom) Moogento module updates, with a maximum frequency of once per quarter, on a staging and a live environment.

We will manage the tracking, updating, and support for existing 3rd-party modules. Support for new 3rd-party modules will be provided within reason. The client will provide the latest versions of all 3rd party modules (eg. by paying for each module update or subscription).

New custom module development, including to resolve 3rd-party module conflicts, is outside the scope of this plan.

Moogento’s team will work on updates for any custom modules previously developed for the client, when necessary for Magento update compatibility, to a maximum of 8 hours per quarter.

Our team will run-through pre-agreed tests on stage & live after we have completed any updates.

The client’s team will conduct tests following our updates (to stage & live).

Additionally, we will conduct semi-annual SEO audits and allocate a maximum of 30 hours per quarter for ongoing development to implement the SEO recommendations. Any un-used time is not rolled over.

After a live update is provided, the client will confirm within 4 days. Any issues inside that window (that are from Magento or security updates, as well as from any custom modules previously created), we’ll cover and extend the test window 4 days until the tests pass. Any issues reported outside that window will be standard billable time.

Boost Maintenance Plan

The Boost Maintenance Plan offers the most comprehensive services, including all features of the Intermediate Plan with more time available for customisations and incidental requests.

Our team will carry out Magento and (non-custom) Moogento module updates, with a maximum frequency of once per quarter, on a staging and a live environment.

We will manage the tracking, updating, and support for existing 3rd-party modules. Support for new 3rd-party modules will be provided within reason. The client will provide the latest versions of all 3rd party modules (eg. by paying for each module update or subscription).

New custom module development, including to resolve 3rd-party module conflicts, is outside the scope of this plan.

Moogento’s team will work on updates for any custom modules previously developed for the client, when necessary for Magento update compatibility, to a maximum of 8 hours per quarter.

Our team will run-through pre-agreed tests on stage & live after we have completed any updates.

The client’s team will conduct tests following our updates (to stage & live).

Additionally, we will conduct semi-annual SEO audits and allocate a maximum of 60 hours per quarter for ongoing development to implement the SEO recommendations and incidental requests. Any un-used time is not rolled over.

After a live update is provided, the client will confirm within 5 days. Any issues inside that window (that are from Magento or security updates, as well as from any custom modules previously created), we’ll cover and extend the test window 5 days until the tests pass. Any issues reported outside that window will be standard billable time.