shipEasy Advanced Setup

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ShipEasy Magento OrderGrid.pngThis 'advanced setup' is included if you get the Installation & Pro Setup Service


Follow the Easy Install Guide and the shipEasy: Initial Setup to get shipEasy up and running.

Here we're going to be mainly focused on SystemConfiguration > Moogento/shipEasy and SalesOrders.

Country Groups

We can create up to 4 groups based on countries. This can be used for:

  1. Grouping orders based on order status, for the 'Weights/Orders Bar', to have a quick overview of where your orders are weight orders bar.png
  2. To group by and filter by country group in the SalesOrders groups.png
  3. In conjunction with pickPack to show specific return addresses / company addresses (per store) based on the country group pickpack.png
  4. In conjunction with pickPack to show specific shipping labels based on the country group.shipping label country group.png

Ok, let's set these up. Head to the Country Groups section.

  • We've pre-filled some standard options, and listed some common groups to make it easy to copy/paste.
  • Here I've made a group 'North America' and added in Canada and the USA.
country group setting.png
  • Common groups are usually based on shipping rate or carrier, or to help with marketing info:
    1. Home country
    2. Home country group
    3. Specific other country group
    4. Rest of World


This is a handy way to quickly contact a customer. You can set the options which show in the shipEasy Config > Grid Columns Setup, I'd turn off ones that you're not going to use:

quick contact.png

You can set the templated texts with quite a lot of auto-fill options available:

emails comments templates.png

There are 3 options:

  1. Comment : this will pop-up a window with two options:
    1. Admin comment - whatever is entered here is entered as an admin-only viewable comment in this order.
    2. Customer comment - whatever is entered here is entered as 'viewable on frontend' and emailed to the customer.
      • Leave blank to only enter an admin comment - nothing will be emailed to the customer or viewable to them.
  2. Email : This will attempt to popup a new email window, pre-filled with your template text, and the customer email.
  3. Gmail : This will attempt to popup a new specifically-gMail window, pre-filled with your template text, and the customer email.