pickPack Advanced Setup
Aims & Preparation
Most of this is included if you get the Installation & Pro Setup Service
We're going to dive into the more advanced features of pickPack.
We'll also look at some ways that pickPack can save you time & money, and help you to generate more orders.
Follow the Easy Install Guide and the pickPack: Quickstart to get pickPack up and running.
We're going to be mainly focused on SystemConfiguration > Moogento / pickPack and SalesOrders
Zebra Labels
Print out your orders for Zebra printers direct from Magento, fully customize with your prepaid shipping labels, etc.
- Add in order ID barcodes, return addresses.
- In the config you can rotate the return address (eg. have it vertical down one side), and position the barcode.
- Customize label padding and margins to suit your label sheets.
- Show a list of products ordered on the same label.
- In the config you can setup column positions for the various product attributes.
- Add in your company logo: do this in Shipping Address Background Images.
- If you don't want it to change based on Shipping Method, just include an image with a blank in Pattern.
- You can also rotate the output PDF to suit your printer.
Setting up Shipping Labels
This is an extremely powerful option, and if setup correctly can produce very professional results.
This will save a lot of time from order processing, cut packing and shipping errors, and look great for your customers.
- Add in shipping label images, that change based on the Magento shipping method chosen.
- Add these to the shipping addresses in: Packing Sheets Invoices Zebra Labels
- Just set this option to Yes in each section.
- and then find the Shipping Address Background Images section.
Here I've added two variants:
- A default option, by leaving the Pattern blank this automatically becomes the default option. Ie. when no other patterns match this will be shown.
- A 'standard' option. By entering
in the pattern section, this will match shipping methods with 'standard' in.
I've then gone and clicked Browse for each and added in my edited background image for each option.
- To make your own images, edit the zipfile > _sample_images / _shipping_backgrounds / Shipping_image.psd file.
- You'll likely want to include your business logo in there, and can also include your return address.
- If you find that you need to nudge the background image on the printout, you can do that in the X-Nudge ( [-] = left / [+] = right) and Y-Nudge ( [-] = down / [+] = up) fields.
- If some addresses will match multiple patterns, you can give them a priority as well.
- Priority:1 will get matched before Priority:2
- In conjunction with shipEasy you can choose a filter based on the country group.
Supersize PDFs
Let's get it o-on, let's make some tasty PDFs. We're going to look at Packing Sheets & Invoices. So far you'll have nice sharp logos, color-coordinated title bars, and integrated labels. With some changes we can really make these stand out.
Full-width Top Logo
pickPack can deal with full-width logos, which can look really good.
Bear in mind bigger/more images will lead to larger filesize PDFs - if you're on a slow connection or have limited server resources you may want to leave the logo small.
- Set the Header Logo > Logo position to Full Page Width
- Create a template file in Photoshop to be wide 540pt (562pt for US-Letter) @ 300dpi. You can make this image as tall as you like - pickPack will adapt.
- You might want to add your company address in this full-width logo, so that you can easily style it
Full-width Bottom Image
This can be a great way to include styled return instructions, a company address or logo. This way you're styling the top and bottom of the PDF to match your brand.
- Make an image in Photoshop with the same width as the full-width top logo
- Choose these slightly-hidden options :
- Custom text under product list? > Yes, an image
- Lock image to page base? > Yes
- If you use integrated labels, you'll then want to nudge this image up above the top of the labels, use the Nudge fixed image > Y pt
- If you have orders where they extend past one page, you will also want to edit the Page 1 Product-lines cutoff Y-pos to be above the height of the base image. This way when the order line items reach that point, they'll stop and go to a new page, leaving your shiny image unadulterated.
Attach pickPack PDFs to Magento Emails
- Send your customers a nice Invoice in their order email.
- Include a copy of the Packing Sheet in the shipping confirmation email.
- Send your accountant an Invoice as soon as each sale happens.
- etc.
- First check that you have proper transactional emails setup.
- Edit the SystemTransactional Emails email that you want to attach one of these our great PDFs to.
- At the bottom of the content, add either of these (or both):
{{pickpack_attach_pdf_invoice({{var order.increment_id}})}}
: to attach the pickPack PDF Invoice{{pickpack_attach_pdf_packingsheet({{var order.increment_id}})}}
: to attach the pickPack PDF Packing Sheet
Hide Un-used Options
You'll probably realise that you just don't use some of the massaction menu options. Turn 'em off and de-clutter your dashboard!
- These are at the bottom of the pickPack Config > Action Menu Options
...From Specific Users
This is a great one, if you have multiple people accessing your Magento install.
- Reduce the chance of mistakes happening and restrict the pickPack options to specific users.
- eg. you can hide the 'Invoice' option from the warehouse crew, and show it to the accountants / etc.
- First edit the specific user role in SystemPermissionsRoles
- Then assign those roles to specific users in SystemPermissionsUsers
- You'll also need to turn on config access to the main extension for each role, at least temporarily, and then log in as that user and set which menu options you want to display. You can turn off config access to that user after setting those.
Leverage pickPack to Generate More Sales
pickPack can actually help to make you more money by generating sales!
Customer Promotions
- Simply by making a great-looking Packing Sheet, you're going to be making that first physical point of contact a memorable one.
- Think this is not important? Imagine Apple sending you an iPhone in a battered box with a dotMatrix packing sheet...
- A good start is to add full-width header and footer logos and set the colors to match.
- Think of the next sale - the first sale is expensive in terms of customer acquisition cost. You've had to pay for the marketing, and actually find that new customer. If we can help this customer with their next purchase we're onto a winner and are directly generating more sales.
- A full-width image in the page base can contain a coupon for the next sale
- Or an image reminding them to sign up for your newsletter, visit your facebook page, etc.
- One like by a customer and you're suddenly in 500 facebook feeds...
Saving Negative Feedback
- Think about the costs of negative reviews, the drop in sales (and even banning of your store) that those bring about.
- How about adding an image (eg. Full-width footer image) or text (eg. 'Text under product list') reminding the customer that you will do anything to avoid a less-than-5* review.
- A small nudge can make a lot of 'quiet & happy' customers leave a positive review - helping to cover you against future negatives, as well as driving sales with all the positive public feedback!
- Screenshots of the relevant review page can help to jog their memory.
- Use the pickPack multi-site feature to save a different review image for different channels (eg. show an eBay review page for eBay orders, and Amazon review page for Amazon orders, etc).
Leverage pickPack to Save Money And Time
Sort By Shelf
- Sort the product list by shelf (and include your shelf attribute in the PDFs), and save zigzagging around the warehouse to pick orders.
Reduce Pick/Pack Mistakes
- Add the product image to packing slips to cut down picking mistakes.
- Highlight where the quantity is not 1 (eg. if most of your orders are for single items, it's easy for pickers to miss an occasional order for 2).
- Show total items count in Packing Slips - a quick check when all products have been picked that you're not missing any.
- Tickboxes on all PDFs - get a physical 'proof' of picking.
- Bonus #1 : You can edit the tickbox size to be large enough for initials - get a personal QC mark.
- Bonus #2 : Add a 2nd tickbox - get someone to doublecheck all picks, and sign for it.
- Add a 'Picked By.....' movable (and editable) text to the Packing Slips/Invoices. A final QC check mark.
With shipEasy
- ====Using Barcodes To Process Orders====
- pickPack can print the Order ID as a barcode on the top of the PDFs, and also in the integrated label portion.
- Use this in combination with shipEasy to quickly process orders with a barcode scanner.
- ====Don't Double-Print Orders====
- Integrated labels and toner, and the time dealing with sorting double-prints, are costly.
- Shipping an order several times to a customer is even more expensive.
- pickPack will save into a shipEasy custom column when a PDF is generated : show 'printed' automatically, to quickly see the status of your orders.
- In shipEasy you can filter against this, so can quickly print all processing orders which have not been printed.